About me
I am a flawed human like you…trust me!
I am Katie.
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Athletic Trainer, and a former collegiate athlete.
I am transitioning to sitting inside after spending ~20 years on a sideline (never thought I’d say I miss turf beads in my shoes).
While I am all those things, I am also human. What I mean by that is that I’ve learned to manage life with the diagnoses of ADHD and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This has led to my love for planners, to-do books, and colored pencils…and one of the few reasons people believe that I have my shit together.
Once my athletic career was over, I suffered an identity crisis and struggled with transitioning to becoming a NARP (non-athletic regular person). Through my own personal journey, led with therapy, I’ve come to understand how the skills I learned on the field led to my strengths off the field in everyday interactions. Therapy also gave me insight that I may have normalized a lot of my dysfunctional behavior thanks to my past, the need for boundaries to protect my energy, and accepting that my personal needs and feelings are valid.
Gaining these valuable insights allowed me to embrace and manage any pivots I have to make during my journey.
I have come to the realization that at times, clients are more interested in my office mate than attending therapy to see me. Let me introduce you to HOWIE.
I will always ask you prior to starting our therapeutic relationship you thoughts and feeling about dogs as I want you to be comfortable.
Howie is a fun mix of a mini schnauzer & husky. He loves coming to work with me. I do not bring him all the time to the office, but when I do, he will throughly enjoy giving you kisses and snugs. If you ever feel that you need the extra support you just have to ask and I will make every attempt to bring him in that session for you.